It is important for you to know the information concerning where you wanted to visit especially Israel. Gifoc will look after you from your country to Israel and from Israel back to your Country as part of our commitments and for security purposes which is also the condition of getting you a visiting visa for Israel in which we are responsible as an International Organisation. WEATHER IN ISRAEL. Winter in Israel begins with showers in October and continues with periodically heavy rainfall from November to March. Eliat and Dead Sea, however, normally remain temperature during wintertime, Even as snow caps Mt Hermon in the North. From late March to September, there is hardly and rainfall. In late February and beginning of March, the entire country is green from winter rains,. In the Months that follow, the heat climbs, reaching its peak in July and August when the only relatively cool spots, even at night .also Jerusalem and the northern hills. Temperature begins to drop by September. That is why we suggested April and July to be our time of Israel Holy tours.